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Karachi is in danger of a cyclone storm, Pakistan is getting hit by heavy rains



cyclone storm

A deep depression about 250 km southeast of Karachi is about to turn into a rare cyclone storm as it moves west towards Oman. This is causing worry along Pakistan’s coastal regions.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has warned of the possible cyclone storm that could hit the southern parts of Sindh, including Karachi, with heavy rain and strong winds. The storm could also hit the coast of Makran.

The depression started over the Indian desert of Rann of Kutch and has been moving west-southwest for the past 12 hours. It is now located at about Latitude 23.6 N and Longitude 69.2 E, 250 km east-southeast of Karachi.

Dr. Sardar Sarfaraz, the chief meteorologist, called it a “rare event” and said, “There is an 80% chance of a cyclone storm forming when the deep depression moves from land to sea and good conditions are present.” Cyclones don’t happen very often during the monsoon season, so it would be a strange event.


Dr. Sarfaraz went on to say that if the storm happens, it will be the first cyclone to hit the Arabian Sea in August since 1976. He also said that it would be called “Asna,” which is a name Pakistan has suggested.

He also said that regional storms are named based on a list made by a group of 13 countries, which includes Pakistan.

Pakistan’s shoreline is not in direct danger from the storm, but it could still have a big effect. Storm-related heavy rains could cause cities to flood and low-lying areas, like Karachi, to become flooded.

“The sea is likely to stay rough to very rough, with squally winds of 50 to 60 km/h gusting to 70 km/h,” the PMD said.


Because of these events, Karachi Mayor Murtaza Wahab has told people to stay calm and not move around “unnecessarily.”

He went to X and said, “I would urge the people of Karachi, especially bike riders, to stay put when they don’t need to be.” “Be safe, everyone, and if you need help, call 1339.” The Karachi commissioner’s office has also said that schools will be closed on Friday, August 30, because of the bad weather that is expected.

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, heavy rain has already killed nine people, caused flash floods, and blocked roads in several areas.

Seven people died and 18 were hurt in Punjab because of heavy rain that damaged a lot of infrastructure and caused low-lying areas of cities to flood.


Three people were hurt and two tourists were killed in Gilgit-Baltistan when flash floods and landslides caused by rain stopped the Karakoram Highway and the Baltistan Road.

PDMA’s warning about cyclone storm

The PMD’s cyclone alert says that the weather system is expected to get stronger until it turns into a cyclonic storm on Friday and move in a west-southwest direction at first.

According to the warning, the deep depression over the Rann of Kutch in India has been slowly moving west to southwest over the last 12 hours. It is now located about 250 km south and southeast of Karachi.

This system will cause widespread rain and wind-thunderstorms with heavy to very heavy falls in a number of districts from August 30 to September 1. These districts include Awaran, Kech, and Gwadar


The PMD also warned that these heavy rains could cause flooding or pluvial floods in low-lying parts of Sindh, Balochistan, and southern Punjab. In the hill rivers of Dera Ghazi Khan and in Karachi, Hyderabad, and other places, flash flooding is also a problem.

Fishermen in Sindh have been told not to go out to sea until August 31, and fishermen in Balochistan have been told not to go out to sea until September 1.

The cyclone warning centre for the PMD in Karachi is keeping a close eye on the storm and will keep sending out updates as needed.

Dr. Sarfaraz said that storms that happen during the monsoon season usually don’t last long. “Within a few hours, they start to break down.” This takes place because the wind changes its speed and direction, as well as the temperature of the water’s surface.


The monsoon season is also a rare time for these kinds of events to happen, according to meteorologist Anjum Nazir: “During monsoon, there is approximately 1% or 2% chance for a depression or low pressure to turn into a cyclonic storm or tropical cyclone.”

Rain Damages

Other areas that got rain in the last 24 hours include Karachi, which got 190 mm, Mirpurkhas, which got 143 mm, Hyderabad, which got 116 mm, and Badin, which got 112 mm.

This week, at least 28 people have died in the Indian state because of the rain. Thousands of people had to leave their homes in India’s Gujarat state because of the heavy rains that hit the Arabian Sea coast in Pakistan and caused flooding in towns there.

Also in Islamabad, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) warned the relevant departments that it would rain more in Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan in the next 24 to 72 hours.


It said that it could rain more than 100 mm in some parts of Sindh.

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