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At Least 66 people have died Flood in Afghanistan

A regional official in Faryab province in northern Afghanistan says that new floods have killed at least 66 people. This is the latest in a string of deadly disasters of Flood in Afghanistan that have hit the country in the past few days.

Asmatullah Moradi, spokesman for the Faryab governor, said in a statement on Sunday that heavy flooding in several districts of the province on Saturday night “led to losses of life and property.”

He said, “66 people died because of the floods. At least 5 people were hurt, and many are missing.”

Floods destroyed more than 1,500 homes, more than 400 hectares (1,000 acres) of farmland flooded, and hundreds of animals killed.

He also said that 18 more people had died in floods in the same area on Friday.

The latest accident in Faryab happened just one day after 50 people were killed in Ghor, which is just south of the province.

Kabul-based News says that the floods destroyed up to 80% of the city of Ferozkoh in Ghor.

The UN says that Afghanistan is one of the countries most likely to be affected by climate change and natural disasters.

The Taliban and the UN World Food Program both say that flash floods in northern Baghlan province killed more than 300 people a little more than a week ago.

The tragedies are the most recent to hit the poor country, which has had more rain than usual this spring.

At least 100 people had died in 10 areas of Afghanistan from mid-April to early May because of flooding, even before the most recent wave of flooding.

Many acres of farmland have been flooded due to Flood in Afghanistan, killing thousands of animals. In a country with over 40 million people, 80% of their income comes from farming.

The rains come after a long drought in Afghanistan. Experts say that Afghanistan is one of the least ready countries to deal with the effects of climate change.

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