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Has Nepra given in to K Electric old electricity system and sky-high prices?



K Electric

Due to the antiquated energy structure of K Electric and high rates, people are experiencing significant troubles; the question is whether Nepra has also knelt down. Important information has been provided in this regard.

“Jung,” claims Karachi residents, attacked the National Electricity Regulatory Authority (Nepra) and accused the regulator of ignoring K-Electric’s old electrical infrastructure during a public hearing yesterday.” In order to keep high rates and consistent tariffs for consumers and generate expensive electricity resulting in a Rs. subsidy, Nepra has not been able to persuade K-Electric to update its four-decade-old, inefficient power plants, which cost the government billions of euros.


K Electric

“No one has checked the ”heat rate” of K Electric’s plants, which produce pricey electricity.”Customers in Karachi would ultimately pay the price for these inefficiencies in their bills, according to a spokeswoman.

The purpose of the hearing was to address K-Electric’s request for permission to increase the cost of power bills by Rs 3.09 per unit in December. This update is related to the Monthly Fuel Charges modification (FCA) for July 2024.

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