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People who are dieting often hear this, you can eat without gaining weight. It is told to them to eat until they are full. The trouble is that there are so many kinds of food to choose from, and each one makes you feel hungry or full in a different way. Think about it: a 200-calorie chicken breast might make you feel fuller than a 500-calorie chocolate cake. This is why you should never eat until you’re full when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s mostly about picking the foods that will fill you up with the fewest calories.

People who are dieting often hear this. It is told to them to eat until they are full. The trouble is that there are so many kinds of food to choose from, and each one makes you feel hungry or full in a different way. Think about it: a 200-calorie chicken breast might make you feel fuller than a 500-calorie chocolate cake so you can eat without gaining weight. This is why you should never eat until you’re full when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s mostly about picking the foods that will fill you up with the fewest calories.

How food can make you feel full


The amount of calories in a food affects how full it makes you feel. There are a lot of things that affect how much food makes you full. You can use the fullness index scale to figure out how many calories and how full a food makes you. The satiety score rates how much a food can make you feel full, keep you from getting hungry, and help you eat fewer calories throughout the day. Some meals are just better than others at making you feel full and keeping you from eating too much.

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