
What does Amber Rose have to say at the Republican National Convention?



The GOP chose Amber Rose because she is a TV celebrity who has been supporting former President Donald Trump since May.

Amber Rose, a model, author, and TV personality, spoke at this week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee from the point of view of a mother.


“I have a child.” Taking care of my kids, keeping them safe, and giving them chances to have a better life is everything to me. Rose said, “Maybe we can give our babies a better life if we elect Donald Trump president. This is true no matter what your political views are.” “If we vote for Donald Trump, we’ll get our money back and our kids will eat good food again.”

When asked why she voted for the former president, Rose, whose real name is Amber Rose Levonchuck, said it was for safety and economic security. She is a single mother of two young children.

“Donald Trump is the perfect example of an alpha male in my eyes.” He’s in charge of keeping us safe and making sure that the business is good for everyone in the U.S. I trust Donald Trump to keep me safe. In an audio interview, Rose told Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee and Trump’s daughter-in-law, “I feel safer with him in office.” 

“Donald Trump is for you if you’re an American who was born and raised in this country and wants prices to go down, inflation to go down, gas prices to go down, and safety in your neighborhood for your kids. He doesn’t mind if you’re gay, Black, or White. He doesn’t care. That has nothing to do with it. Let’s not use race as an excuse. That has nothing to do with it. He works for the people of the United States. He’s for your kids. He likes women. He cares about all of us.


“I’m not a politician and don’t want to be, but I care about the truth,” she said. “And the truth is that the media has lied to us about Donald Trump.” “I thought those lies were true for a long time,” she said.

She also said, “I believed the left-wing lies that Donald Trump was racist” and “I learned that Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay, or straight.” It’s all love. That’s when I realized, “These are my people.” This is where I belong.


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