
What is Kevin Hart Comedian Height?



What is Kevin Hart Comedian Height? Kevin Hart is known for his high-energy humor and short physique. During a recent interview with Anderson Cooper on “60 Minutes,” both were on full show.

“GQ finally got it right,” the 44-year-old comedian said about his height. “I’m 5-foot-5, with sneakers on.” Kevin Hart Comedian Height is 5.5″.

Hart has used his height to make people laugh throughout his career. HE is happy with his height and don’t want tall Kevin Hart. In a fun way, Cooper even brought up Hart’s joke about his wife supposedly liking “tall people porn.” Hart’s ability to laugh at himself shows that he is sure of himself and knows how to make people laugh.


Kevin Hart Comedian Height

When Cooper asked Hart about his money and rumors that he was a billionaire, the talk became more serious. Hart joked, “None of your business,” and quickly sidestepped the question with a laugh. He did, however, talk about his goal of giving other people chances in the entertainment business.

Cooper also talked about Hart’s choice to quit as host of the 2019 Oscars after being criticized for gay comments he made in the past. Hart thought about what happened and agreed that it led to a process of learning and personal growth.  He said, “In those moments of despair, great understanding and education can come out of it”.

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