
12,000 Pakistani students are in danger in Kyrgyzstan



According to news reports, the riots in Kyrgyzstan put the lives of more than 12,000 Pakistani students are in danger in Kyrgyzstan. Pakistani students have told different news that local students and residents attacked the hostels of Pakistani and other international students. To get away from them, we hide and turned off the power to stay alive. We are forced to stay home, but it’s not safe because our neighbours are telling other people in the area that we are there.

If we can’t go down to get water from the flat because of a Pakistani student asked how we would get to Pakistan. Unfortunately, our hostel was attacked at night, and the cops were unable to stop it. Things got better when the army arrived at 6 a.m.; the two contact numbers that the Pakistani government gave out are not sufficient for the 12,000 students who are there.

According to the student, there are many Pakistani students in Bishkek, and people there prejudice against fair-skinned youngsters. Along with Pakistanis, they are being attacked by Indians, Egyptians, and Bangladeshis, and the situation has affected a large number of individuals. They take advantage of the circumstance, stealing from and looting the dorms. Both Pakistani students and teachers are torture.


The attack on the Pakistani students are in danger in Kyrgyzstan is in the hostel of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, is alleged to have injured several students. The whole incident began with a quarrel between locals and some Arab students. The locals then attacked the dormitory of the many international students, causing significant damage. 

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