
What are the temperature in May? Heat wave alert issued



This month, the PDMA Punjab sent out a heat wave alert. A representative from PDMA said that the temperature will likely reach 45 degrees in May. A severe heat wave is expected to strike Punjab’s biggest cities and plains from May 21 to 27. DG PDMA Irfan Ali Kathia said that an Heat wave alert issued to the district office as directed by the Punjab Chief Minister.

The district government knows what the weather is like in Punjab as an entire region. There will be harsh legal consequences for people who burn crop waste. Local governments should make sure that clean water is available in public areas.

YG Irfan Ali Kathia gave more directions and said that hospitals and mobile health units should make sure they have first aid kits for people who are suffering from heat stroke. People will also need to be careful because the heat weave will get stronger. Plan to not use the toilet at work in the afternoon. Cover your head and wear light colors. Do not drive unless you have to, and watch out for children and the elderly.


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